Unable To Edit

Unfortunately, I could not edit the past couple days because I have been so busy. To start, I had three tests within one week. I had to study every second of free time that I had. So, I only get so much time to study in school because I have classwork to get done. Also, after school I go to straight to work. I work from 3-8 PM on school nights. Meaning that when I get home I have to shower, eat, clean, etc. By the time that is done it is 9:30 and I do not have time to edit or help edit. I study from 9:30-10:30 and then go to bed because I need to get enough sleep. I would have my groupmates edit in their free time, but they take the same classes I do. Which means that they also need time to study. They also have jobs that they need to do attend after school. So, we definitely should have planned a day to edit in advance. I have thought about some of the different types of edits we're gonna use. For example, in the scene where I am being chased up the stairs I want to use a split screen to show the positions of both actors. Another scene is the one where I am in the elevator with the suspicious man. I need to lower the diegetic sound of the beeping elevator because it makes it difficult to hear the dialogue. Tomorrow, I am going to talk to Noah and Dartamian about setting up a meetup over the weekend. I will help them edit and edit a little myself for a couple hours so that we can see if there's any room for improvement. If the project is how we want it to be then we will finish the editing on that day so that we can get it done.


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