Changes Made From Film Review

 In the film review, I was told that the audio quality was poor in the elevator scene. I attempted to open volume mixers on the editing software. However, there was nothing there and I tried to mute the audio overall and see if it we could add a voice over. That ended up sounding off and it didn't fit the mouth movements in the original scene. So, I went as far as to trying new sound editing software. I could not get anything to work so I am going to have to just leave it as it is. Another issue was that the camera wasn't held steadily in some scenes. I ended up getting the group back to reshoot the scenes that were messed up. The new footage wasn't as good as the original so I decided to let the problem stay as it was only a minor issue anyways. The next issue was that I overused certain edits and it was repetitive. So, I removed a few of the edits that appeared multiple times. Since I wanted the edits to fit the mystery genre, I had to replace the original edits with similar edits. For example, I substituted some of the fade edits for dissolve edits. Also, there were lots of jump cuts so I added split screen edits. This would allow for creativity and a fast-paced feeling to the film. The last complaint was that the sense of realism wasn't there in all scenes. So, this fix wasn't all that important because not a lot of people notice little details like that. However, it was a simple fix, all I had to do was reshoot one scene. Although, I did have to shoot a whole new scene where I ran to the edge of the roof. I did so and added it to the film and now my film is the best it can be.


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