Research: how to make a short film

 Watching this video, “How to Make a Short Film,”  helped me gain more knowledge on how to produce my own film.  Although I already had background knowledge on creating films, this video gave more tips that will help me throughout my short film journey.  A film expert gives production tips and post production tips in this video.  Two production tips that stood out to me were, don’t do it if you can’t and mess with the audience's mind and emotions.  A tip that really got my attention was, if you can't pull it off, don’t do it.  The film expert explains that if you can’t 100% pull off something for the film, don’t try to partially do it.  Adding something that isn’t fully portrayed will just decrease the preciseness of your short film.  Although you think adding this cool scene/feature to your film will make it look cool, it will do the opposite.  When it comes to planning out our storyboard, we will keep in mind what we can and can’t do with our limited amount of resources.  Another tip that was given was to think as if you were in the audience. ​​Anticipate what you think is going to happen next in the film, then do the complete opposite.  You want to build up that tension in the audience and then release the action at a moment they aren’t expecting it.  Considering that our movie is about an abusive relationship, the audience will have a little idea of what is going to be happening scene by scene.  Now with the knowledge I got from this video, my partner and I will make sure to think about how we can deceive the audience's eye.  Onto post production tips that I found helpful were, to take breaks during editing and to have others review your film.  Taking breaks during the editing process will help you tremendously.  After going over and over the work, you tend to lose touch with the film itself.  Taking a break from editing will allow you to come back and find scenes that can be either cut or lengthened.  Lastly, a tip I also enjoyed grasping was having peers watch your film and give you feedback.  They might be able to catch something you didn’t.  Considering it’s your own film, you might be biased and might miss small mistakes that could easily be fixed.  With all this new tip given to me,  I feel confident that our short film will come out really good due to us keeping these helpful tips in mind.



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