Successful Filming
Today was an extremely productive day for our crew. I told Lily and everyone else to be at my house for 3 PM. It was still about an hour until everyone would get here. So, I took the time to shower and get dressed into my costume. Lily was the first to get here. I had her make sure that all the cameras were set that needed to be propped up. Everyone arrived a little late but it didn't matter too much. The first scene we shot was Lily and Kaya walking home together. Then, we filmed all scenes where Lily and Kaya were alone except for the ending. There was a lot of trouble in the scene that Kaya and Lily engage in dialogue for a long period of time. The difficulty was when the actors had to remember the vast amount of lines. I took a total of 26 takes! It took about an hour in total just to get that scene right. Other than that, filming went fairly smoothly. The other 2 scenes only required tracking shots with minimal need for remembering lines. I was reviewing the content and realized that we forgot to press record! So, I called everyone to see if they could come back to film that one scene. Thankfully, they did and we were able to fix it. I thanked Lily and the team by buying them food. Finally, everyone went home and I got to relax for the night.
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