Super Acting
I thought that today was going to be one of the hardest days. The plan was to film the last couple scenes which require the most from the actors. There is going to have to be deep, intense emotion portrayed considering the storyline. So, I text the people that are coming over to start heading my way. I also let them know to wear excess makeup. I do this because when they cry I want it to seem way more dramatic that it really is. I want the makeup running down the face. While they're on their way, I start preparing the car and body bag. I dressed up as the dad and got the fake alcohol set. Finally, they got here after all the traffic. Then, we had to wait for the sun to set to start filming. Once we got started, I knew it was gonna be easy sailing. The actors seemed on point. My camerawork was flowing perfectly. Everything was just setting into place. We wrapped it up pretty quickly and then just sent everybody home. I looked over the film for a little bit. I felt personally touched by the way Lily made the emotion seem so real. Plus, the policeman did very well to make everything seem real. I’m very pleased with the way things went today.
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