Unable To Edit
Unfortunately, I could not edit the past couple days because I have been so busy. To start, I had three tests within one week. I had to study every second of free time that I had. So, I only get so much time to study in school because I have classwork to get done. Also, after school I go to straight to work. I work from 3-8 PM on school nights. Meaning that when I get home I have to shower, eat, clean, etc. By the time that is done it is 9:30 and I do not have time to edit or help edit. I study from 9:30-10:30 and then go to bed because I need to get enough sleep. I would have my groupmates edit in their free time, but they take the same classes I do. Which means that they also need time to study. They also have jobs that they need to do attend after school. So, we definitely should have planned a day to edit in advance. I have thought about some of the different types of edits we're gonna use. For example, in the scene where I am being chased up the stairs I want to use a split sc...